Batman V. Superman Review


In some aspects, Batman v Superman suffered the same problems of The Amazing Spiderman 2, in that it bit off far more than it could have or should have chewed. There is way too much being pushed into the film that audiences will become overwhelmed. Yet within the two and a half hour run time it seems the most minimal amount of character development is put into our heroes and even less into side characters.

Batman v Superman takes place shortly after the events of Man of Steel in the cities of Metropolis and Gotham. After multiple incidents resulting in civilian deaths, the world begins to question Superman`s (Henry Cavill) involvement in world affairs. Including billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck), who by night is of course the vigilante Batman. Throughout the film Superman looks for his place in the world while Batman plans a way to destroy him. Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg) comes into play by harnessing the power of Kryptonite as a weapon against Superman.

Throughout the film I found myself caring less about old characters like Clark, Lois, and Perry White and more for the new. Maybe because the filmmakers attempted to develop these characters more. Ben Affleck as Batman was a surprising treat and with better character development and support could have been among my favorite Batmans. Even though Jesse Eisenberg didn`t feel like a Lex Luthor, it still didn`t stop me from loving every moment of him. His movements and mannerisms reminded me of Heath Ledger`s Joker portrayal.

Batman v Superman works to set the scene for the future Justice League films. By doing this filmmakers give insight into future Justice League characters to be introduced, as well as intertwining the story arch of Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) with that of Batman and Superman. Again here is a film that already has plenty going on, yet feels the need to jam as much in as possible. They couldn`t give just little hints and tidbits of the Justice League, they had to flat out show them, as well as foreshadow the next villain in a ridiculous vision that Bruce Wayne has.

Director Zack Snyder seemed to thoroughly enjoy himself breaking up the action sequences with scenes involving Lois Lane and various other characters I could care less about at the moment. Perhaps if I was more emotionally invested in the characters I wouldn`t mind the jumping, however I was not.

Jumping from shot to shot seems to be a common theme throughout Batman v Superman. A symptom of trying to fit in too much story. As soon as I start getting invested in what Batman is doing we switch over to Lois Lane. After we see Lois for a few seconds we must switch over to Superman doing something. Then back to Batman. Rinse and repeat.

I very much enjoyed Ben Affleck`s performance of Batman and thought he was one of the highlights of the film. Towards the beginning of the film we get a glimpse into a scene from Man of Steel where General Zod and Superman are fighting, but from the perspective of Bruce Wayne. Bruce is on his way to Wayne Enterprises to make sure everyone evacuates the building okay when he witnesses the destruction that Superman creates. Including the injury and death of many Wayne Enterprises employees when the building is destroyed amidst the fight. I thought this scene was very well done and properly conveyed the emotions of pain and anger that Bruce Wayne felt. Setting him up for a hatred of Superman and his unlimited power. This hatred of Superman from Bruce even, dare I say it, gets DEVELOPED along the plot.

The scene that everyone wanted to see, being the fight sequence between Batman and Superman, of course is saved until the final act of the film. The fight is decently shot, intensely paced, and well worth the wait. I loved seeing Batman able to hold his weight against the immense power of Superman. However I was thoroughly disappointed in the end of the fight, especially the reason for them stopping. I won`t give it away but it is incredibly random, forced, and lame. I could easily come up with a better reason for them to stop fighting then the one used in the film.

Alas, this was not a terrible film, as there are plenty worse superhero abominations that come to mind. Like the films Fantastic 4 or Catwoman. There was always enough going on to keep me entertained and the acting from Eisenberg and Affleck was interesting. The camera work was decent when it wasn`t jumping from shot to shot every six point three seconds.

Hopefully when it comes time for the Justice League films these mistakes can be corrected. I for one, remain doubtful.

Zachary Flint

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